2nd Grade Personal Narrative Writing Unit Including Small Moments


A comprehensive personal narrative writing unit that is designed to take you and your students through the process step by step while teaching the essential elements of a personal narrative.

“AMAZING resource. I had to be out of the classroom for over a week during our 3rd grade narrative writing unit and this was a quick and easy way to leave the sub lessons so that I could jump back in once I returned. It broke down all of the small moment narrative writing components into bite-sized pieces so that students were not too overwhelmed. Love it and will use it again next year!”  ~Miss Molly’s Room

Contains PowerPoint lessons, scripted minilessons, ALL the graphic organizers, checklists, publishing papers, and more!



including scripted minilessons, tips, posters/anchor charts, resources, and graphic organizers for adding details, stretching moments, and elaborating from planning to publishing!


Do you find it challenging to get your students to stretch their moments and write detailed personal narratives that come alive?  This packet contains specific strategies, tips, and resources to help your students (grades 1-3) in the personal narrative writing process. Teachers using this resource have found that their students can not only stretch a moment like never before but their students are engaged, confident and loving writing like never before.

This was an incredible resource! I appreciated the step-by-step guidance. This resource allowed me to teach both distance learning and in person. It clearly aligned to standards and provided students enough support as they traveled through the writing process. It’s a must buy!” ~ Heather W



  • 15 colorful charts, each illustrating a component of a personal narrative-these can help guide and/or support your mini lessons
  • 3 student samples-samples include actual suggestions and/or actual questions teachers can offer to students to enhance writing
  • 3 pp Teacher notes/ideas
  • Minilessons with scripts, tips, writing samples and ideas
  • 3 student resources for generating ideas
  • graphic organizers (whole pie vs slice) for pulling out tiny moments, planning and sketching out story, and incorporating senses and stretching what we say, think, feel and do in the moment
  • 2 story maps
  • 3 resources geared to show feelings
  • Partner work
  • Story strips for talking out stories with partners
  • Resource for recording peer suggestions on post-its
  • 5 resources containing scripts with detailed student examples of how to incorporate the five senses
  • a student checklist to use during and after writing
  • a student resource to use with regard to word choice(i.e. sparkle words)
  • Cover sheet for student publishing
  • Dedication page for student publishing
  • About the Author page for student publishing


Copyright © 2023 Can’t Stop Smiling, LLC All rights reserved by author. Permission to copy for single classroom use only. Electronic distribution limited to single classroom use only. Not for public display.