Poetry Writing: Poetry Writing Unit Grades 2-4
This packet is intended to teach your students to write poems filled with beautiful language, emotion and expression. Students will learn to write poems with emotion, alliteration, repetition, line breaks, as well as haiku, triplets, limericks, quatrains, cinquains, and acrostic poems. Each element is introduced with a poster and each element comes with writing samples, teacher notes, planners, and writing papers. I have provided concrete examples for you and your students. This unit is rich and filled with opportunities for your students to grow as reflective and purposeful young poets.
What’s Included:
- Notebook Cover
- Anchor Charts
- Student Notebook Resources
- Posters with examples and definitions
- Samples of All Types of Poems
- Samples of all Elements
- Teaching Instructions
- Planners
- Publishing Papers
The elements addressed are:
- Where Does Poetry Start?
- Poetry is Everywhere
- Poems can be about ANYTHING
- Finding Poetry in Nature
- Using Line Breaks
- Using Beautiful Language
- Poems are Meaningful
- Show, Don’t Tell
- Using Comparisons and Personification
- Poems and Repetition
- Poems Use Alliteration
- Poems have Onomatopoeia
- Poems Evoke Emotion
- Haiku Poems
- Limerick Poems
- Triplet Poems
- Quatrain Poems
- Cinquain Poems
- Acrostic Poems
This product is part of a MEGA WRITING BUNDLE
MEGA Writing Bundle by Can’t Stop Smiling
Copyright © 2024 Can’t Stop Smiling, LLC
All rights reserved by author.
Permission to copy for single classroom use only.
Electronic distribution limited to single classroom use only.
Not for public display.